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SlipSwitch_0.04.spk 15 November 1995
** I will try to respond to questions raised in comp.sys.acorn.networking or
** emailed to the support address below, but please check you have read
** the documentation in this ReadMe file and the configuration file first.
Thanks to the efforts of various people over the last few months we are now
able to use FreeNet for nearly everything. For a little while longer, however,
most of us will still need to use !TCPIP (the RISC OS port of the 'KA9Q'
integrated TCP/IP access package by Phil Karn) to get our mail, in conjunction
with FreeNet. This script allows you freely to switch between these two
systems without needing to redial... among other things.
The SlipDial script evolved over the summer of 1995 to do as much as possible
in a user-friendly way, hence its name "DoItAll"!. A lot of people now use it
to switch between !TCPIP and FreeNet (and back again) during a SLIP connection,
and it seems reasonably robust. Versions from 0.02 onwards use a self-
documenting configuration file, which for most purposes will be the only file
which needs to be edited by the user. There is also a lot of flexibility to do
different things at different times (eg. you could download news only during
the wee-hours auto-login, and not when you login manually).
To support some of the optional features of the setup, I've included a few
other patches - see "Archive contents" for details.
Note: DoItAll has NOT been tested with Phillip Temple's FreeNet starter pack
("!Acornet"). It should be thought of as an *alternative* to the Acornet front
end. Make sure all the applications inside !Acornet have been 'seen' by the
filer (or, better still, move them to be outside !Acornet altogether), and then
launch !SlipDial directly.
Installation - ** please read carefully **
Upgrading from a previous version:
From version 0.01:
Make a note of the options you have selected (eg. which PoPs to present on
the menu, what time to do the auto-login, whether to kill TTFN, etc). You will
have to re-enter these after installation of this version. Sorry about that,
but any future upgrades should then be much easier. The 'offline' versions of
AutoExec and Config are now called AutoExecO and ConfigO - you may need to edit
these (or possibly just move your existing -L files over the -O ones) after
From versions 0.02 or 0.03:
Drag the !SlipDial icon from the archive over your existing !SlipDial
application. Your existing configuration will be preserved. You should check
that you are using the appropriate PoP, now that there are many other numbers
available. Run DIAclearup to remove the 'first installation' support files.
New installations:
(1) Drag the !SlipDial icon from the archive over your existing !SlipDial
application. Do the same with !TCPIP, !TCPIPUser, and also with !ArcFax if you
have that.
(2) Run !SlipDial. Open the Choices window, and choose the new script to
auto-run from the menu or by typing "SlipDial:DoItAll" into the writable icon.
Save the choices. Now quit and restart !SlipDial.
(3) If you have not used DoItAll version 0.02+ before, the script will check
for a file called "demonconfg", which will have been created by the original
Demon script from the !TCPIP starter pack. If there is such a file, it will be
converted; if not, you will be asked to enter some basic information like your
nodename and password. NOTE: different releases of the starter pack may have
produced slightly different demonconfg files: you MUST carefully check the
DoItAllCfg file if it has been generated from an existing demonconfg file.
(4) There will now be a file "DoItAllCfg" in the !SlipDial.Scripts directory.
Load it into an editor (by double-clicking on it), and check carefully that all
the options are as you want them - the file is fully documented. You can
modify this file at any time, but note that changes will not be effective until
you restart the script (by restarting !SlipDial, or select "Restart" in the
dial menu). When you are happy with your settings, run the command file
"DIAclearup". If you are sure you won't want to go back to the old script, you
could also delete the "demonconfg" file, since DoItAll does not use it once
"DoItAllCfg" is in place.
(1) Choose the initial stack to use from the menu of the stack icon (the
left-hand one with the circle around it).
(2) Choose the PoP to call from the main dial menu (in the SlipDial status
window), or click on the stack icon to select your configured local PoP.
(3) To switch to a different stack, wait for the connection to be idle (ie.
NOT in the middle of a download!) and select the new stack from the stack icon
menu. Repeat as required.
(4) To disconnect, select "Shutdown" from either menu.
(5) If you're connecting late at night and don't want to bother with the next
auto-login (eg. because you've already downloaded plenty of news), select "Skip
next" from the dial menu.
Archive contents
Drop this over your existing !SlipDial application (version 0.34d or 0.35a -
I don't know if it will work with earlier versions). It adds a new script
"DoItAll", along with some supporting files.
Note there is also a replacement !Run file, to allocate enough space for the
extra icons, and some hi-res sprites (thanks to Andy Ward). To make full use
of these sprites, you need to patch the !SlipDial.!RunImage - Andy's
instructions for doing this are in the file "HiResDoc".
For those of you who leave your machine on most of the time with ArcFax
running, this contains two files which can be used to 'restart' ArcFax
automatically when your Net session has finished. Drop it over your existing
!ArcFax application, and then set the "controlArcfax" option in your
configuration file.
To permit use of the "Offline" and "Auto-login" features, these contain a
replacement !Run file, and some extra files based on AutoExec and Config with
an extra letter suffix (O for Offline, and A for Autologin). These are used
instead of the normal "AutoExec" and "Config" files when you choose to run KA9Q
offline or unattended. As supplied, they will just 'include' the normal files
- I suggest you change AutoExecO so it doesn't try to do things like kick smtp,
kick nntp, nntp addserver, time get, etc, all of which will fail with nothing
to connect to. ConfigA has a "tcp hangup" command included - I suggest you
keep something of the sort here, otherwise your phone bill may grow more than
it does anyway!
Technical stuff
The switching of tasks is all done by a separate BASIC program. I know that
SlipDial has facilities for task management, but I wanted better control over
it. Anyway, FreeNet is module-based, and I haven't found a simple way of
getting SlipDial to do anything with modules at all.
Arbitrary things can be set to happen before and after a connection: this is
all controlled from the file !SlipDial.Scripts.DIAappctrl. As supplied, it can
stop and restart TTFN, Newsbase and ArcFax, controlled by options in the
configuration file; but any script command could be put here for special
Small print
This package is released as FreeWare with no guarantees of any kind. If you
have problems with it after reading this file, email me on the address below
and I'll try to help. You may (and probably should) modify the configuration
files suit your own circumstances, but if you pass it on to anyone else, you
must do so in its original unmodified form, with this ReadMe file intact. I
retain copyright. It may not be distributed commercially or included in any
other distributed package, or uploaded to any FTP site, without my express
There are probably still a few 'features' lurking in here somewhere, especially
if this version is quite old. The copy on cslib.ecs.soton.ac.uk is currently
the only one that I maintain - if you found this anywhere else or someone gave
you a copy, you may have an earlier version than the latest. The corollary is
that I would like to know of any problems you find - with the fix if you have
one! - so I can keep the cslib copy up to date.
None of this would have been possible without the original scripts that people
have posted to newsgroups or included in starter-packs. Credit is due to Rob
Orwin, James Woodman, Alan Fitch, Andy Ward, and especially to Graham Allan for
writing !SlipDial itself. If anyone else recognises some of their code here,
let me know and I'll mention them in this file next time!
Share + enjoy!
Richard Birkett <support@musicbox.demon.co.uk>
Version history and Distribution
0.01 06/09/95 First release version
[uploaded to cslib]
0.02 27/09/95 Complete rewrite. There are now separate files for configuration
and provider details: you shouldn't now need to edit the script
itself at all. See this !!ReadMe file and the annotated
configuration file for details.
Bug fixed (could sometimes fail to kill the KA9Q stack). The
same bug is present in SlipDial's task/kill=id code - beware!
[uploaded to cslib]
0.03 28/09/95 Bug fixed in configuration file (problem with dial menu items).
[uploaded to cslib]
0.04 15/11/95 Errors "too many case levels" and "no such label" fixed.
Attempts to dial while already connected will not now disconnect.
New '100% coverage' Demon PoP numbers added.
Control of other applications (like ArcFax and TTFN) is now in a
separate file, for easier modification by the user.
[uploaded to cslib]